Vaccination rates among adolescents and young adults, for whom the risk of infection is greatest, remain lower than was true for other vaccines in their first years. And vaccination rates among males is extremely low.
AMA J Ethics. 2015; 17(9):854-857. doi:
Constraints on hospitalists and surgeons and restricted orthopedic admission criteria can exacerbate patients’ distress that comes from clinicians’ disagreements.
AMA J Ethics. 2023; 25(12):E873-877. doi:
Cyrus Ahalt, MPP, Rebecca Sudore, MD, Marielle Bolano, Lia Metzger, Anna M. Darby, MD, MPH, and Brie Williams, MD, MS
The teach-to-goal method should be used to assess comprehension of incarcerated patients and other vulnerable groups during the informed consent process.
AMA J Ethics. 2017; 19(9):862-872. doi:
Specific advocate guidelines are needed for the protection of children in state custody who are potential research subjects in trials that would expose them to greater-than-minimal risk but also hold the prospect of direct benefit.
Physicians have a responsibility to assess elderly patients for conditions that could affect their ability to drive safely and to be familiar with state laws that govern physician duty to report impaired drivers.