The AMA Journal of Ethics invites original, English-language contributions for peer review consideration on the following themes:
Active calls
September 2026: Patienthood, Illness Anxiety, and Health Surveillance
August 2026: Visual Representation and Health
July 2026: Music Therapy in Health Care Practice
June 2026: Ketamines, Old and New
May 2026: When Are Compounded Medicines Safe?
April 2026: Military Global Health Engagement
March 2026: Pediatric Surgical Innovation
January 2026: Nonhuman Animal Use in Surgical and Procedural Skill Development
Deadline passed
December 2025: Aging Is Bad for You?
November 2025: Electronic Health Record Evolution
October 2025: Diagnostic Research
September 2025: Screening Children for Structural Drivers of Health
August 2025: Existential Health Care Ethics
July 2025: Rural US Emergency Medical Services
June 2025: Embodiment in Art Practice
May 2025: Private Equity in Health Care
April 2025: Surgical Care of Incarcerated Patients
March 2025: Regret in the Moral Psychology of Surgical Professionalism
February 2025: Pain Management in Non-Labor and Delivery OBGYN Procedures