What is the AMA Journal of Ethics’ Embargo Policy?
Any prepublication release (in print, audio, or digital form, for example, prior to the publication date) of any content in development with the AMA Journal of Ethics constitutes a violation of the journal’s embargo policy and is unauthorized. Content is considered for publication with the understanding that it has not been published in print or electronic format and is not under consideration by another publication or electronic medium.
What is the AMA Journal of Ethics' Conditions of Use policy?
You may link to, print, reproduce, display or store unaltered copies of articles published in the AMA Journal of Ethics. No written prior approval is required provided that you meet our Conditions of Use.
When printing, reproducing, displaying, or storing copies of AMA Journal of Ethics articles, copies must be unaltered, and shall include the AMA’s copyright notice and an acknowledgement of the source and full citation information including the volume, number, and pages and the AMA as publisher. When possible, you will include or embed a link back to the AMA Journal of Ethics.
When linking to our content, care should be taken so that content is not displayed out of context, is not displayed as an AMA or AMA Journal of Ethics endorsement, is not incomplete or misleading, and does not suggest that authors’ opinions are those of the AMA. To be clear, opinions expressed in the AMA Journal of Ethics or associated with individual articles of the journal are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the AMA or the AMA Journal of Ethics.
Other uses, such as the creation of derivative works, are prohibited, unless prior written approval by the AMA is obtained, which may be withheld by the AMA in its sole discretion.
Does the AMA Journal of Ethics accept unsolicited manuscripts?
Yes. We welcome unsolicited manuscripts submitted through our online manuscript submission and review system. Submit a manuscript for consideration.
Are articles peer-reviewed?
Yes. Solicited manuscripts generally undergo double-blind peer-review with the exception of article types such as Art of Medicine and From the Editor (see Instructions for Authors). As stated above, we also accept unsolicited manuscripts for peer review consideration.
How can I become an AMA Journal of Ethics guest editor?
Editorial Fellows are selected through a competitive process. Those interested in working with us as Senior Editorial Fellows are invited to send us a proposal.
Does the AMA Journal of Ethics express only views and opinions that accord with AMA positions?
No. We operate under the provisions of the World Association of Medical Editors, according to which the journal's editor-in-chief has full authority over the editorial content of the journal. In addition to the journal's editorial independence, each article contains this disclaimer: "The viewpoints expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the AMA."
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