Jennifer Erdrich, MD, MPH and Carlos R. Gonzales, MD
Tribal-university partnerships are fewer in education than in research, but just as important for expanding opportunity and improving health infrastructure.
AMA J Ethics. 2020; 22(10):E851-855. doi:
Stephanie L. Samuels, MD and Wilma C. Rossi, MD, MBE
When a parent resists a physician's recommendation for a pediatric patient, physician-parent partnering can promote the patient's best interest and help encourage lifestyle changes.
AMA J Ethics. 2018; 20(12):E1126-1132. doi:
Jane Bartels, MBBS and Christopher J. Ryan, MBBS, MHL
When patients cannot give informed consent or refusal for antipsychotic medication, physicians must meet specific criteria to justify temporarily withholding a diagnosis.
AMA J Ethics. 2018; 20(12):E1119-1125. doi:
During one 2014 Ebola epidemic, arrival of “safe burial” teams was often delayed. Some buried their loved ones themselves, which undermined containment efforts.
AMA J Ethics. 2020; 22(1):E5-9. doi: