Dr John Banja joins us to discuss the promises and perils of artificial intelligence in health care applications, including potential “megarisks” posed by AI tools themselves.
Bjorg Thorsteinsdottir, MD, Annika Beck, and Jon C. Tilburt, MD, MPH
Good clinicians understand why a patient is asking for a test or treatment, and their skillful counseling can often stem the tide of requests for marginally beneficial tests and procedures.
AMA J Ethics. 2015; 17(11):1028-1034. doi:
A nudge is an intervention designed to prompt a person to “voluntarily” make a choice intended by those who altered an environment or situation to yield that choice.
AMA J Ethics. 2020; 22(9):E767-772. doi:
Patients can now easily view their health records, so clinicians must consider a reader’s interpretation of how they convey sensitive personal health information. What might this mean for ethics consultants?
AMA J Ethics. 2020; 22(9):E784-791. doi: