
Author Interview: “Using Policy and Law to Help Reduce Endometriosis Diagnostic Delay”


Scott J. Schweikart joins Ethics Talk to discuss his article, coauthored with Annika J. Penzer: “Using Policy and Law to Help Reduce Endometriosis Diagnostic Delay.”

Access the transcript and read the article

Scott J. Schweikart, JD, MBE is a senior policy analyst at the American Medical Association in Chicago, Illinois, where he is also a contributing editor for the AMA Journal of Ethics. Mr Schweikart earned his MBE from the University of Pennsylvania, his JD from Case Western Reserve University, and his BA from Washington University in St Louis. He has research interests in health law, health policy, and bioethics.

Recorded December 3, 2024.


Conflict of Interest Disclosure
Interviewee disclosed no conflicts of interest.

Viewpoints expressed are those of interview participants and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the AMA.