
Author Interview: “When Medication Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder Gets Disrupted by Extra-Clinical Variables, How Should Clinicians Respond?”


Dr Kelly Gillespie joins Ethics Talk to discuss her article, coauthored with Dr Taleed El-Sabawi: “When Medication Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder Gets Disrupted by Extra-Clinical Variables, How Should Clinicians Respond?”

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Kelly Gillespie, JD, PhD, RN is a professor of law and a professor of health care ethics (secondary appointment) at Saint Louis University in St Louis, Missouri. As a registered nurse, she focuses her scholarship on the legal and ethical implications of structural, institutional, and individual decisions for people in marginalized and minoritized groups, including people who use drugs. 

Recorded March 29, 2024.


Conflict of Interest Disclosure
Interviewee disclosed no conflicts of interest.

Viewpoints expressed are those of interview participants and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the AMA.