
Ethics Talk: The Ongoing Opioid Epidemic


Dr Travis Rieder discusses his own experiences with opioids and the ethical challenges of “legacy patients,” and Dr Stephanie Zaza, president of the American College of Preventive Medicine, discusses the future of opioid research priorities. 

Click here for a transcript of the podcast

Travis Rieder, PhD is director of the Master of Bioethics degree program at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics and the author of In Pain: A Bioethicist’s Personal Struggle With Opioids (HarperCollins, 2019).  

Stephanie Zaza, MD, MPH is president of the American College of Preventive Medicine.  


Conflict of Interest Disclosure
Interviewees had no conflicts of interest to disclose.

Viewpoints expressed are those of interview participants and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the AMA.