Global health training offered through UCSF’s EMPOWUR program prepares ob/gyn residents to work in under-resourced communities locally as well as globally.
AMA J Ethics. 2018; 20(3):253-260. doi:
Instead of succumbing to the urge to portray cultural differences as a dichotomy between clashing opposites, we should endeavor to note our common humanity, acknowledge the plurality of viewpoints within a given culture, and appreciate that cultures can evolve without being untrue to themselves.
Veronica Olaker, MPH, Kurt C. Stange, MD, PhD, and Pauline Terebuh, MD, MPH
Skilled interactions in health care are those in which clinicians focus on making patients feel seen and heard and that their needs are important and can be met.
AMA J Ethics. 2024; 26(11):E875-880. doi: