In an exhibition called El Viaje de los Niños (The Children’s Journey), members of the undocumented Mexican community in South Philadelphia created stories of their journey to the United States. With help from lead artist Nora Hiriart Litz, their experiences and thoughts on migration, family, love, loss, and hope are conveyed creatively via artwork.
Figure 1. El viaje fue la oscuridad mas profunda y sin un destino seguro, solo la infinita luz de la luna que me permitio continuar a mi destino, by Ali
The journey was the deepest darkness without a certain destiny, just the infinite light of the moon, which allowed me to march towards my future.
Acrylic-based paint on wood.
Figure 2. La desesperacion, pobresa [sic] y un futuro incierto fue mi boleto. El telefono es mi pañuelo de lagrimas de tristeza y alegria que dia a dia vivo, by Mirna
Desperation and poverty and an uncertain future, those things were my ticket. The telephone is my handkerchief of tears, of sadness and joy, which I live through every day.
Acrylic-based paint on wood.
Figure 3. Camine asia el norte y tome el toro por los cuernos para trabajar pero me siento aun solo, by Rico
I walked to the north and I took the bull by the horns so I could work, but I still feel alone.
Acrylic-based paint on wood.
Figure 4. La tristeza de mi mama cuando me despedi, by Rosi
My mother’s sadness when I said goodbye.
Acrylic-based paint on wood.