Eleftherios Mylonakis, MD and Panayiotis D. Ziakas, MD, MSc, PhD
Allocating resources for interventions requires consensus among stakeholders with a plurality of perspectives about how to weigh antimicrobial stewardship interventions’ risks and benefits.
AMA J Ethics. 2021; 23(8):E631-638. doi:
Where people live and work influences how long and how well they live. Supporting community investments can diminish risk, improve outcomes, and reduce costs.
AMA J Ethics. 2019; 21(3):E262-268. doi:
What are key factors for successful partnerships between health care organizations and communities? We discuss strategies for building trust and engaging effectively.
Brooklyn Larimore, Mark Gilbert, PhD, and William M. Lydiatt, MD, MBA
Portraits of clinicians quickly became emblematic of what the COVID-19 pandemic has demanded of all of us, especially caregivers who witnessed deaths likely unprecedented in number during their careers.
AMA J Ethics. 2022; 24(7):E667-675. doi:
This first-person narrative illuminates how the author—a nurse, artist, and dancer—uses the arts and movement to help patients and clinicians process personal loss individually and collectively in the hospital setting.
AMA J Ethics. 2022; 24(7):E681-684. doi: