Matthew Kucmanic, MA, MPH and Amy R. Sheon, PhD, MPH
Using focus groups to obtain stakeholder feedback can lead to epistemic injustices if the decision-making process is not perceived as procedurally fair.
AMA J Ethics. 2017; 19(11):1073-1080. doi:
A nudge is an intervention designed to prompt a person to “voluntarily” make a choice intended by those who altered an environment or situation to yield that choice.
AMA J Ethics. 2020; 22(9):E767-772. doi:
Camillo Lamanna, MMathPhil, MBBS and Lauren Byrne, MBBS
Perhaps machine learning systems trained on patients’ electronic health records and social media footprints could be used as decision aids when patients lack capacity or face overwhelming decisions.
AMA J Ethics. 2018; 20(9):E902-910. doi: