Veronica Olaker, MPH, Kurt C. Stange, MD, PhD, and Pauline Terebuh, MD, MPH
Skilled interactions in health care are those in which clinicians focus on making patients feel seen and heard and that their needs are important and can be met.
AMA J Ethics. 2024; 26(11):E875-880. doi:
Dr Sana Loue joins Ethics Talk to discuss her article, coauthored with Jared Ontko and Timothy Nicholas: “Government Obligations and the Negative Right to a Healthy Urban Environment.”
Grayson Holt joins Ethics Talk to discuss his article, coauthored with Dr Johanna Glaser: “Why Is Hospice One of the Few Health Care Environments Structured for Peace?”
Timothy Nicholas joins Ethics Talk to discuss his article, coauthored with Drs Lisa Rainsong and Erin Gentry Lamb: “Using Music to Teach Health Professions Students to Listen Closely and Promote Peace.”
Neuroscientist Dr Daniel J. Levitin and therapeutic musician Judy Friesem join Ethics Talk to discuss how music affects the brain and what role music can have in peace-making in clinical settings.