Opinion 9.0305 - Physician Health and Wellness
To preserve the quality of their performance, physicians have a responsibility to maintain their health and wellness, construed broadly as preventing or treating acute or chronic diseases, including mental illness, disabilities, and occupational stress. When health or wellness is compromised, so may the safety and effectiveness of the medical care provided. When failing physical or mental health reaches the point of interfering with a physician’s ability to engage safely in professional activities, the physician is said to be impaired.
In addition to maintaining healthy lifestyle habits, every physician should have a personal physician whose objectivity is not compromised. Physicians whose health or wellness is compromised should take measures to mitigate the problem, seek appropriate help as necessary, and engage in an honest self-assessment of their ability to continue practicing. Those physicians caring for colleagues should not disclose without the physician-patient’s consent any aspects of their medical care, except as required by law, by ethical and professional obligation (Opinion E-9.031), or when essential to protect patients from harm. Under such circumstances, only the minimum amount of information required by law or to preserve patient safety should be disclosed.
The medical profession has an obligation to ensure that its members are able to provide safe and effective care. This obligation is discharged by: promoting health and wellness among physicians; supporting peers in identifying physicians in need of help; intervening promptly when the health or wellness of a colleague appears to have become compromised, including the offer of encouragement, coverage or referral to a physician health program; establishing physician health programs that provide a supportive environment to maintain and restore health and wellness; establishing mechanisms to assure that impaired physicians promptly cease practice; assisting recovered colleagues when they resume patient care; reporting impaired physicians who continue to practice, despite reasonable offers of assistance, to appropriate bodies as required by law and/or ethical obligations. This may entail reporting to the licensing authority.
Opinion 9.031 - Reporting Impaired, Incompetent, or Unethical Colleagues
Physicians have an ethical obligation to report impaired, incompetent, and/or unethical colleagues in accordance with the legal requirements in each state and assisted by the following guidelines:
Impairment. Physicians’ responsibilities to colleagues who are impaired by a condition that interferes with their ability to engage safely in professional activities include timely intervention to ensure that these colleagues cease practicing and receive appropriate assistance from a physician health program (see Opinion E-9.0305, “Physician Health and Wellness”). Ethically and legally, it may be necessary to report an impaired physician who continues to practice despite reasonable offers of assistance and referral to a hospital or state physician health program. The duty to report under such circumstances, which stems from physicians’ obligation to protect patients against harm, may entail reporting to the licensing authority.
Incompetence. Initial reports of incompetence should be made to the appropriate clinical authority who would be empowered to assess the potential impact on patient welfare and to facilitate remedial action. The hospital peer review body should be notified where appropriate. Incompetence that poses an immediate threat to the health and safety of patients should be reported directly to the state licensing board. Incompetence by physicians without a hospital affiliation should be reported to the local or state medical society and/or the state licensing or disciplinary board.
Unethical conduct. With the exception of incompetence or impairment, unethical behavior should be reported in accordance with the following guidelines and, considering, as necessary, the right to privacy of any patients involved:
Unethical conduct that threatens patient care or welfare should be reported to the appropriate authority for a particular clinical service. Unethical conduct that violates state licensing provisions should be reported to the state licensing board. It is appropriate to report unethical conduct that potentially violates criminal statutes to law enforcement authorities. All other unethical conduct should be reported to the local or state professional medical organization.
When the inappropriate conduct of a physician continues despite the initial report(s), the reporting physician should report to a higher or additional authority. The person or body receiving the initial report should notify the reporting physician when appropriate action has been taken. Physicians who receive reports of inappropriate behavior, including reports submitted anonymously, have an ethical duty to critically, objectively, and confidentially evaluate the reported information and assure that identified deficiencies are either remedied or further reported to a higher or additional authority. Information regarding reports or investigations of impairment, or of incompetent or unethical behavior should be held in confidence until the matter is resolved.