American Academy of Arts and Sciences commission members talk about their June 2020 report recommendations aimed at restoring trust in our constitutional democracy.
Dr Nancy Krieger talks about the importance of good science to inform public policy that address longstanding health inequities during this COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
Dr Nancy Krieger talks about the negative health impact of historical injustices and systemic racism such as Jim Crow on African American and other minoritized communities.
Dr Travis Rieder discusses his own experiences with opioids and the ethical challenges of “legacy patients,” and Dr Stephanie Zaza, president of the American College of Preventive Medicine, discusses the future of opioid research priorities.
A 3-step analgesic ladder was introduced in 1986 and needs change. Surgical interventions could reduce opioid use and motivate expansion of current pain management approaches.
AMA J Ethics. 2020;22(8):E695-701. doi: