
Author Interview: “Which Features of Dietary Supplement Industry, Product Trends, and Regulation Deserve Physicians’ Attention?”


Dr Alexander Ding joins Ethics Talk to discuss his article, coauthored with Dr Amy B. Cadwallader and other members of the AMA Council on Science and Public Health: “Which Features of Dietary Supplement Industry, Product Trends, and Regulation Deserve Physicians’ Attention?”

Access the transcript and read the full article.

AMA Council on Science and Public Health advises the American Medical Association (AMA) on substantial and promising developments in the fields of science and public health and develops reports and policy positions on the scientific aspects of medicine, biomedical research, and public health that warrant the attention of the profession, the public, and the private sector. Additionally, CSAPH proposes activities that might be undertaken by the AMA as major scientific projects in medicine and public health.

Recorded February 04, 2022.


Conflict of Interest Disclosure
Interviewee(s) had no conflicts of interest to disclose.

Viewpoints expressed are those of interview participants and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the AMA.